Viernes el 14 de mayo:
Hola chicos!
In class today, you will practice reading an authentic blog entry that deals with ecology, the environment, animals and/or energy. Please go to this site, and select an article that interests you. Notice you can select an article that deals with a specific theme (look on the right hand bar of the web site), or n article that is tagged with a key word (go down to the pink box with tags used in the blog).
Once you picked an article (your article should be at least 2-3 paragraphs long), use the reading techniques you have learned and read it.
1. Jot down 2-3 new Spanish vocabulary words & the English meaning.
2. Did your article include any sentences that used the subjunctive or future? Jot that sentence down & the Enlgish meaning.
3. In Spanish tell me what you learned from reading the article. 1-2 sentence max! Use YOUR words.
4. Also in Spanish, use the subjunctive to express wish/doubt about something that was explained or talked about in the article.
5. Hyperlink the specific article you read and the answers to the questions above to the NING on your personal blog & name it : Ecologia.