Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Los mandados - cupon de tarea 9/22

Hola chicos!

The first thing you need to do is print the following Google Doc.  Once you have it printed, scan the questions that are on it.  Now go to our class wiki and listen to four dialogs that your classmates created for you.  Answer the questions.  Turn in the printed Google Doc to me tomorrow morning.  You can not do this at school because you need sound on your computer, so don't plan on doing this activity during study hall OK?

Friday, September 4, 2009

Diez mil horas

Hola Chicos!

Here is a little enrichment activity that will be worth a homework coupon for you do complete over Labor Day weekend.  It will be due on Tuesday, September 8.

We have been talking about how practice is the key to success with any activity-- spanish, music, sports or art.  We talked about Malcom Gladwell's quote about 10,000 hours, and read  how it applied to Bill Gates.  What I would like for you do do now is think of what is/are your passion(s).  For Mr. Gates it was programming and computers.  What is it for you?  What activity, skill or interest is worth 10,000 hours of your time?  Maybe you are well on your way to those 10,000 hours already?

In Spanish, please tell me what is worth your time and practice.  You should have 3-4 sentences describing what you love to do and why.  Now provide a visual for it.  You can draw, include a photo, create a collage or use clip art to illustrate your message.

You should put this together on unlined 8.5 x 11 unlined paper & bring it in for me. 

Here is  a link with a sample of what this may look like that I created.

You may want to start off your message with one of these phrases:

Quiero practicar/dibujar/hablar por diez mil horas para poder .... mejor.

Me gustaria .... por diez mil horas porque ...

.... es importante para mi, y quiero ... por diez mil horas

Repaso para la prueba

Review for quiz