Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Los tenistas hispanos

Aqui está el artículo de Jake T.  Como siempre, lean y escriban un mensaje en el blog de la clase...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Otro artículo publicado :)

Felicitaciones a Páginita T. por su tremendo artículo de la película Paranormal Activity.  Su artículo fue publicado en el blog del Sr. Jones.  Lee su artículo y mira el trailer.  Luego deja un mensaje en el blog de la clase y déjame saber lo que piensas del trailer o de la película.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Nueva Luna por Morgan G

Quiero felicitar a Morgan por su articulo sobre la película Nueva luna.  Por favor lean su artículo y dejen un mensaje en el blog de la clase de español.  ¿Qué les parece esta película?  ¿Comparten la misma opinion de Morgan?  ¿Por qué? ¿Qué les parece "el trailer"?


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Cupón de tarea

Hola Chicos!

I hope you have had a nice break.  Here are a couple of homework coupon ideas.  Both will be due Monday, November 30.

1. GoAnimate Please go to this site and create an account.  You will need to confirm your email in order to create an animation.  Once you have an account go to the top right hand side and click on the "create" tab. Now go to "Animation Studio", and click on "create". Chose one of the themes suggested, and create an animation with at least 3 scene, 2 character and 6 lines of dialog (in Spanish of course).  Your dialog should include vocabulary from lesson 5B and can be in any tense that you need it to be in.  If you use the past tense, be mindful of the preterit and imperfect.  When you are done, "publish" your work and click on "Share".  Now click on the "email" icon and send to my school email

2. Un poco de música.  Please go to the following page on Mr. Jones' blog.  Find the PDF activity of the song "Me voy" by Julieta Venegas. It's about 28th one down from the top of the orange typefaced songs.  When you click on the cloze activity a PDF will pop up.  Print this activity and now go to # 28 in the little music player that is embedded at the top of the web page.  Listen to the song and do the activity that is on the printed PDF page.  "Tiempo" = verb tense.  Hint: "desaparezco" is an irregular yo form verb like "conozco".  Same thing with "merezco".  Once you do all the activities, give me a short summary of what the song is about in Enlgish. 5-6 sentences is fine.  I don't need a word for word translation.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Donde viven los monstruos

Miren este video del libro Donde viven los monstruos.


Please go to the Southside Wiki to link to the Etherpad.  Go to the link assigned to your group.  Sign in on the right with your first name & last initial....


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Comparing past tenses

Here is a helpful link to compare the usage of the past tense in English to Spanish. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

El cumpleaños de Fred


Describe por favor los regalos que recibió Fred.   Usa objectos indirectos y el vocabulario de 4A.  Gracias a Brittani C por el uso de su dibujo :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Los hispanos famosos

Go to this site or this site and pick a person who is either Hispanic or has a Hispanic heritage.  Read a little bit about your person and then write a rough draft about the person using the IMPERFECT.  Please use vocabulary you know.  I don't want you looking up words you haven't learned yet. The following questions will help you out:

¿De dónde era?

¿Dónde vivía?

¿Qué hacía para ser famoso(a)?

¿Cómo era de niño(a)?

¿Cómo era su familia?


Make sure you identify who your celebrity or historical person is in your first sentence.  After you have a rough draft, check your work.  Did you conjugate the imperfect correctly?  Did you spell the adjectives correctly?  Is the imperfect needed?  (Remember to use the imperfect you would use "used to" or "would" or describe someone in the past without a specific beginning or end.)  Now that you have made the corrections POST your writing below.  You are going to leave a comment on this blog post and make sure when you sign your name, I can recognize it. If others have left a comment, check to make sure they have not written about the same person.  You will not earn a homework coupon if someone else already wrote about the person you are wrote about.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Los mandados - cupon de tarea 9/22

Hola chicos!

The first thing you need to do is print the following Google Doc.  Once you have it printed, scan the questions that are on it.  Now go to our class wiki and listen to four dialogs that your classmates created for you.  Answer the questions.  Turn in the printed Google Doc to me tomorrow morning.  You can not do this at school because you need sound on your computer, so don't plan on doing this activity during study hall OK?

Friday, September 4, 2009

Diez mil horas

Hola Chicos!

Here is a little enrichment activity that will be worth a homework coupon for you do complete over Labor Day weekend.  It will be due on Tuesday, September 8.

We have been talking about how practice is the key to success with any activity-- spanish, music, sports or art.  We talked about Malcom Gladwell's quote about 10,000 hours, and read  how it applied to Bill Gates.  What I would like for you do do now is think of what is/are your passion(s).  For Mr. Gates it was programming and computers.  What is it for you?  What activity, skill or interest is worth 10,000 hours of your time?  Maybe you are well on your way to those 10,000 hours already?

In Spanish, please tell me what is worth your time and practice.  You should have 3-4 sentences describing what you love to do and why.  Now provide a visual for it.  You can draw, include a photo, create a collage or use clip art to illustrate your message.

You should put this together on unlined 8.5 x 11 unlined paper & bring it in for me. 

Here is  a link with a sample of what this may look like that I created.

You may want to start off your message with one of these phrases:

Quiero practicar/dibujar/hablar por diez mil horas para poder .... mejor.

Me gustaria .... por diez mil horas porque ...

.... es importante para mi, y quiero ... por diez mil horas

Repaso para la prueba

Review for quiz

Monday, August 24, 2009

Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow

Hola Chicos!

I'm looking forward to meeting you tomorrow.  At this time all summer enrichment work is done, graded and recorded.  20% of my future Spanish III students did at least one of the activities and 10% earned a quiz coupon.  Thank you all for practicing and using a little español this summer.  Here is the final Mixbook that you put together.  

Hablamos mañana :)

Sra A

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Last summer enrichment activity

Well Chicos, we are almost back to school!  I have one last activity for you.  I would like you to be guinea pigs for an oral activity I plan on using next year.  At the bottom of the post is a "Google Widget" that says "Call me"  I'd like you to use it to call me and then in ESPAÑOL leave a message telling me the following:

your name
a short description of yourself
identify and describe something/someone that is very important to you
your favorite activity
something you don't like

If you have a cell phone with texting, use your cell phone to call.  If you don't have a cell or texting you can use your home phone.  At the end of the week, I will send a text message to the number you called from letting you know I received your message.  Please don't mark "keep number private" unless you don't want me to text you back.

I hope to be able to send text messages with information next year, and you are helping work out any problems with this system by being mis pequeños "guinea pigs" :)  I also hope to give oral homework next year, and this is the system that we will be using.  Please email me or leave a comment below with any problems. 

Gracias!  I look forward to meeting you soon!
Sra A

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I Spy Digital Book

If you haven't done the Podcast assignment, you can still complete.  Look at the previous entry for directions.

Your next assignment is to make a digital I Spy book.  Please go to this link to see an example.  Now you guys need to do one in Spanish.  You can pick any vocabulary you learned already.  Just make sure you don’t repeat something that another student has used.  You need to do 1 page & include 8 words and photos/stickers.  You can upload images or use the ones provided.  Make sure you sign your name to get credit (first name, last initial, grade#)

I started the book for you here.  Start your sentences with “Con mi ojo veo, veo...” Please do not edit someone else's page.  As I played with it, I found out that if you put a photo or text on top of your work you will lose it unless you "undo" right away.  It asked me to invite collaborators by email.  I sent a few out, but if you didn't get an invite, email me your address so I can add you as a collaborator.  I don't think accent mark will be supported in this application. :(

Friday, July 31, 2009

Inspired Beginners Podcast

Hola chicos!

You are still able to do last week's assignment if you haven't done it.  I did want to give you another opportunity (especially for those of you who are keeping up so quickly with these enrichment opportunities).  This week I want you to go to Inspired Beginners Podcast and listen to it.  If you have an MP3 player you can download it, or you can listen to it through your computer.  The podcast I put on the link is about Ben & Marina's vacation to Thailand.  In order to get credit for this assignment I need you to email me ( the following:

1. Name one grammar item that Ben & Marina review in the podcast.
2. Tell me 3 things they are going to do on vacation/to prepare for their vacation.
3. Name 1 new vocabulary/grammar item you learned from the podcast.

You can use English in your email and you can listen to the podcast as many times as you like. The podcast is about 15 minutes long, and most of it is in English.  Please make sure you id who you are if your email doesn't identify you (first name, last initial, grade#)

Buena suerte!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Más quizlet

OK Chicos!  I enjoyed reading what you were doing this summer.  The next opportunity takes you back to Quizlet.  If you haven't joined the group, please do so.  I want you to create a set of vocabulary cards for our group to use.  Please don't repeat any that have been done already.   Pick a theme (ie:clothing items, food, or use the textbook Realidades 1 or 2 as a way to organize R2L2A --Realidades 2,lesson 2 vocabulary from section A). It is pretty easy to use.  Go to Make Flashcards.  Give it a title that will let me & others know what words are being used.  Make sure "everyone" can be a user and please "share with groupamor8esp3"  Type in the Spanish on one side and the English on the "definition" field.  The top right corner has a tab that says "show symbols".  This is how you can make accent marks.  Please use the articles "el" and "la" with your nouns.  Make sure you see what vocabulary sets have been created because you will not get credit if you duplicate vocabulary that someone else has already put up on our group site.  Email or leave a comment below if you have problems or questions. 


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tarea para el doce de julio

Updated on 7/31-- Please don't add any more comments to this post, as I have already read what is on here & will not check back.  Look at the other assignments posted after & work on those.  Thanks!

Hola Chicos!

I've noticed several of you have gone to Quizlet & are practicing the verbs you learned in Spanish I & II with digital flashcards and games.  Please continue to review your verbs (especially the irregulars and stem changers).  This week I would like to find out what you have done so far this summer.  I want you to write between 6-8 sentences in Spanish using the past tense.  Be careful with any of the irregular verbs.  I will tell you a little about what my June was like...

Junio fue un mes muy ocupado para mi.  Después del colegio fui a Costa Rica con estudiantes de Turpin. Nos divirtimos mucho.  Vi muchos animales como el quetzal y la iguana y también vi volcanes, flores y muchas plantas bonitas.  Monté a caballo, tomé un paseo en kayak y hice una gira en "zip-line".  Cuando regresé de Costa Rica, mi papá me visitó por una semana.  Fuimos de compras y salimos a comer mucho esa semana.

Write your paragraph in a word processing document and then copy and paste it below as a "comment". Sign your comment with your first name, last name initial and grade for the 09-10 school year.  I will check back with you on July 12, and will put a new assignment up then.  I'm looking forward to hearing from you :)

Sra A

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

First Summer Enrichment Opportunity

Hola Chicos!

So glad that you are going to practice your Español over the summer.  The first activity I want you to do is to go to the group I created in Quizlet.  Quizlet is a application that allows people to create flashcards and then practice vocabulary with the them by playing games or quizzing yourself with the digital flashcards.  You can also print them out.  If you already have a Quizlet account, please join our Spanish III group.  If you don't have an account, it is free and requires an email, a username and a password.  Please pick a username that I will recognize. You don't have to use first & last name, but I won't know weird user names like "fluffy bunny".  I will recognize something like first name, last initial & grade for next year (maryw10).  Today there are two sets on Quizlet.  I will be adding two more in the next day or so.  Join our group & start reviewing your verbs.  Maybe play with each set for 5-10 minutes once a week.  You will be  so READY for Español III if you do this all summer :)  If you run into problems, leave me a comment on this blog or email me to my school address.  This assignment can be done ALL summer.  I will post the next assignment when I get back from Costa Rica the week of June 21.  Until then, let me see our group GROW!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

El 21 de mayo

Para hacer hoy :

Voicethread ¿Quiénes somos y nuestros planes para el futuro? ¿Cómo seremos?

StudyStack vocabulario 9B

Quia practica con el futuro.  Necesitan practicar por 10-12 minutos total. Sign in to get credit

Tienen que usar Mozilla para ir a "Wallwisher"

Wall wisher leer ¿Cómo proteger el medio ambiente?

y luego, escribir ¿Cómo será nuestro mundo en 20 años?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Subasta Southside

Una subasta es an auction. Ustedes ya saben que es una ganga... a ver... ¿qué es?  ¡Díganme ahora!  

Van a ver estudiantes de un colegio en Arkansas describir unas gangas que tienen para la Subasta Southside.  Ellos van a usar los participios como adjetivos.  Después de ver el video, ustedes van a explicar la gramática. 

Por favor ver estos videos

Clase 1 miren este

Clase 3 miren este

Clase 4 miren este

Clase 6 & 7 miren este o este

Now go here for your next assignment.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Go to the following site and write a "sticky" note in Spanish describing something you, your family or friends do to help the environment.  Do not repeat what other "sticky" notes have already said.  Use first name, last initial & bell # : taraj1

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Un poco de gramática

Please go to the following wiki.  This wiki belongs to a Spanish III class in Arkansas.  The students created several surveys for you to take.  Each of these survey use a tense call the conditional. The conditional is used in English to express things that would happen if certain conditions occur. 

1. Take part 1 & 2 of a survey.   Can you understand the verbs in this tense?  Can you describe how to form this tense just by looking at the verbs? 

2. Add a reply to this blog post explaining how you form the conditional tense. 

3. If someone has already posted how to conjugate this tense, then add a sentence in Spanish using the conditional expressing what you would.... if ....

4. Lastly, could you take this poll created by one of my collegues on Twitter on technology in education.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

No es mi culpa

Please go to the TumbleBooks Library site.  Get the username and password from the board.  Once you log in look for No es mi culpa. Listen & read the book.  As you read, you can pause the narration with the pause button.  Jot down notes so that you can retell the story to a partner.  When you are done reading, post on this blog any new vocabulary words you learned (mi culpa=my fault).

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Para hacer el cinco de marzo

You are going to be doing a few things online today.  I would like for you to view the following slide show and answer questions about what you view.  Please answer in complete sentences in Spanish. The next site I want to introduce you to is a web page that will help you practice your vocabulary.  Go down to the Realidades II 7A vocabulary stack, and use the cards with a couple of activities to practice your vocabulary from this unit.  These cards were created by students.  You will get an extra credit point if you find a spelling mistake in Spanish & point it out to me. From now on, if you create a study stack on this site & show it to me, you will also get a little ec.  It needs to be a study stack that is NOT available already.  The last thing I need you to do is go to quia & do SP 2/3 Negative Tú Commands and 7A Realidades II.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Para hacer hoy, el 20 de febrero

Ok chicos.  Today we are doing two things.  The first skill we are going to work on is skimming and reading for detail in Spanish.  Please go to this blog entry, or this one or this one, and skim them to get an idea of which one will interest you the most.  Now pick one, and read it carefully. Make sure you can understand it well, and that you would be able to talk or write about it in Spanish using your own language. (hint, hint)

Now using your own words I’d like for you to leave a reply on our class blog or SpanishNewsBites or for those of you on the Ning, start a discussion on Ning. (I need a first name, last initial and bell # for credit if you do the blog option) This is writing that will be published, so write a draft in word, if you need to, before you publish it.  Check for grammar and spelling.  I’m looking for a 4-5 sentence reaction to the article you read.  Use vocabulary from this lesson (6B), include at least one verb like gustar (but not gustar).  I’m including how to do accent marks on a PC on a handout for you.

This is due by the end of class.

When you get done with that assignment, I need you to go to Quia, sign in and do the QUIZ called  Review Lesson 6.  You have 10 minutes to spend doing it, and you can take a second time to improve your score. If you don’t get to work on it for 10 minutes in class, go home & do for homework. 

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Gran premios para películas

El veintidós de febrero se dan los  premios Oscar para las películas en los EEUU. Ve a este enlace para ver las películas y los actores nominados para este premio importante.  Después ve a este blog para leer sobre los premios Goya en España.

Compara el premio Oscar y el premio Goya.  ¿Cómo son similares y diferentes? ¿Conoces a las películas nominadas para los Oscar? ¿Para el premio Goya?  ¿Qué película has visto? ¿Qué película quieres ver? En tu opinión, ¿quién será el mejor director? ¿La mejor actriz? ¿El mejor actor? ¿Por qué? 

Escribe tu respusta en este blog.  Si quieres dejarle un mensaje a Freddy en su blog sobre los premios Goya, también puedes hacerlo.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

La Policia Mexicana de Saturday Night Live

Could you write a better script than these fourth graders?

Los premios Goya

Please go to the following blog.  You can read the blog post & if you roll over the highlighted words with your mouse, the English will be given.  You can also hear the blog post by clicking the pink arrow (or download to an mp3 player).  When you feel like you understand the reading, please do the activity.  It will give you feedback when you are done.  

Saturday, January 24, 2009